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The Four Seasons/No Strings Attached Benefit "The Painted Violin"

Ginny is one of five artists asked to paint an actual violin to benefit the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra with proceeds funding music education projects. The Violins will be featured at the silent auction during this year's symphony ball.

Ginny's painted violin received the highest bid at the 2011 Symphony Ball.

"Listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons inspired and motivated the process all along, from the initial sanding and priming of the violin face to painting in the last bird in flight. Skys of the seasons, hills, fields, orchards, a river running through it, Earth's yield & sleep: all evolved and flowed with the music. Glass beaded wire unfurling from the neck spell out 'The Painted Violin,' 'The Four Seasons,' 'No Strings Attached' & my initials 'V.R.B.' The beaded wire springing out below spells out 'Spring,' 'Summer,' 'Autumn,' and 'Winter'. The case (for safekeeping) can be hung on the wall. The little chairs lined up inside represent an audience."

July 1

Grand Hand Gallery- Featured Artist